De nuevo el mensaje apocalíptico de escasez de candidatos. Es muy interesante el artículo del Economist sobre la batalla por la “potencia mental”.
Recomiendo su lectura y destaco estos puntos que he encontrado muy interesantes
- Ha cambiado el conocimiento que se le requiere a un profesional
- No hay que olvidarse de la parte ética aunque hayan prisas
- La natalidad va bajando y afectará en un futuro al mercado de talento
Para empezar, este párrafo:
The consultancy [McKinsey] has divided American jobs into three categories: “transformational” (extracting raw materials or converting them into finished goods), “transactional” (interactions that can easily be scripted or automated) and “tacit” (complex interactions requiring a high level of judgment). The company argues that over the past six years the number of American jobs that emphasise “tacit interactions” has grown two and a half times as fast as the number of transactional jobs and three times as fast as employment in general.
Cada vez se busca más la especialización… y a este nivel de la pirámide del talento, estos perfiles son escasos. Además, el reclutamiento no debe olvidarse de la parte ética de las personas:
[…] talent-intensive businesses have a particular interest in maintaining high ethical standards. Whereas in manufacturing industries a decline in such standards is often slow, in talent-intensive ones it can be terrifyingly sudden, as Arthur Andersen and Enron found to their cost.
Finalmente, los problemas sociológicos de bajada de la natalidad hacen que en el horizonte se vislumbre un acrecentamiento del problema del talento:
[…] the ageing of the population. This will be most dramatic in Europe and Japan: by 2025 the number of people aged 15-64 is projected to fall by 7% in Germany, 9% in Italy and 14% in Japan. But it will also make a difference to China, thanks to its one-child policy. And even in America, where the effect will be less marked, the retirement of the baby-boomers (which has just started) means that companies will lose large numbers of experienced workers over a short period.
Mi hermana me ha pasado el artículo completo y es interesantísimo! En resumen, que habrá que apretar los dientes.
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