Estoy en proceso de lectura de un extenso artículo de Malcolm Gladwell, colaborador de The New Yorker. Este trozo es muy interesante y quería compartirlo:
Wagner and Robert Sternberg, a psychologist at Yale University, have developed tests of this practical component, which they call “tacit knowledge.” Tacit knowledge involves things like knowing how to manage yourself and others, and how to navigate complicated social situations. Here is a question from one of their tests:
You have just been promoted to head of an important department in your organization. The previous head has been transferred to an equivalent position in a less important department. Your understanding of the reason for the move is that the performance of the department as a whole has been mediocre. There have not been any glaring deficiencies, just a perception of the department as so-so rather than very good. Your charge is to shape up the department. Results are expected quickly. Rate the quality of the following strategies for succeeding at your new position.
a) Always delegate to the most junior person who can be trusted with the task.
b) Give your superiors frequent progress reports.
c) Announce a major reorganization of the department that includes getting rid of whomever you believe to be “dead wood.”
d) Concentrate more on your people than on the tasks to be done.
e) Make people feel completely responsible for their work.Wagner finds that how well people do on a test like this predicts how well they will do in the workplace: good managers pick (b) and (e); bad managers tend to pick (c). Yet there’s no clear connection between such tacit knowledge and other forms of knowledge and experience. The process of assessing ability in the workplace is a lot messier than it appears.
Pero, tiene truco. Einstein dijo “es ingenuo el pretender obtener resultados diferentes haciendo las cosas de la misma manera”. Por lo tanto, independientemente del reporting a los superiores y la coresponsabilizacion de los integrantes del equipo, lo que hay que hacer es intentar analizar los procesos y procedimientos, de la forma más rapida posible, y para conocer esto, y la cultura del departamento se necesita hablar con los mas senior del lugar. Luego, una vez recabada la información, pues decidir y ejecutar la estrategia mas apropiada para mejorar la performance, pero sobre todo tener “quick wins”, que demuestren a los de arriba que algo se mueve y que estamosen camino. El resto, es estéril.
Estoy de acuerdo en los “quick wins” y en el análisis de la situación.
Gracias por la reflexión, Ángel!