Interesante lectura sobre la organización interna y la toma de decisiones en Google que he leído en I, Cringely. Entre otras cosas, me ha dejado muy sorprendido la proporción de entre desarrolladores y testeadores (QA):
The heart of Google is code and all code there is peer reviewed TO DEATH. The result is absolutely the cleanest code in the digital world, forced into that condition by what can be a torturous process of line-by-comment-by punctuation mark analysis sometimes over-driven by people who take their work WAY too seriously […] The code is clean as a result, but the process is s-l-o-w, or so I’ve been told. And the code had better be clean, because at Google developers outnumber testers by 50-to-1.
Supongo que la agilidad que se pierde con el control, se gana después en el proceso de QA o apagando fuegos a posteriori, una vez se sube a producción.
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