- RT @newsweek The Creativity Crisis – Newsweek http://bit.ly/cjSTTA #
- Muy divertido el proceso de "unsubscribe" de Groupon. #
- @comunitats Ara hem de veure'ns a León! in reply to comunitats #
- @pepetome Gasteiz http://www.vitoria-gasteiz.org/we001/was/we001Action.do?idioma=es&accionWe001=ficha&accion=redesSociales in reply to pepetome #
- @comunitats Si voleu quedar per dinar, aviseu! in reply to comunitats #
- Dear Recruiters…Stop Ignoring Your Candidates http://bit.ly/9Qj047 #
- Presume que algo queda http://bit.ly/bwl87U Bragging is practically coded into social media’s DNA #
- IBM 2010 Global CEO Study: Creativity Selected as Most Crucial Factor for Future Success http://bit.ly/cqNd29 #
- According to @Klout, @David_Monreal is a Twitter Chatterbox. What kind of Twitter user are you? http://bit.ly/bv6KVc #
- What Do You Know About Business Model Innovation? http://bit.ly/cTRndF #
- @pepetome Aquí en tens un (en hores baixes, però blogger). in reply to pepetome #
- What adults can learn from kids http://on.ted.com/8Rrf #
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